Dan Goodwin, Ben Coleman & Adam Robertson / Prototyping

Dan, Ben and Adam will explain why fffunction like to use interactive prototypes as part of our project workflow and give a whistle-stop introduction to how we use Mixture [link http://mixture.io/] to develop them.

With workshop time being limited, we’ll focus on building simple prototypes with Mixture’s Foundation [link: http://foundation.zurb.com/] framework boilerplate.

We’re aiming to make the session as practical as possible so participants can try out running a simple interactive prototype across devices, make some changes to it and ideally have a go at prototyping some things of their own.

More details on our workshop can be found here: http://uxbristol2014.fffunction.co/ [link]. This site is itself built with the Mixture Foundation boilerplate and includes guidelines on who with think the workshop will suit and some things you can do to prepare in advance.

Dan Goodwin
Dan is a user experience designer working at fffunction, a design agency in the South West of the UK. With a background of fifteen years experience in agency and in-house software and web development, he is an all-rounder with strong technical and people skills in addition to user experience. He loves user research and bringing users and empathy for them into every step of a project. Dan loves the sea and gets in it or near it whenever he gets the chance. He likes good coffee, good beer, and good and bad flapjacks.

Adam Robertson
Adam is the user experience director at fffunction, a user centred design agency based in the South West of the UK. With a background in graphic communication, Adam has been designing for the web for the past 15 years. He has a passion for great user experiences and sweats the smaller details that enable these. Adam loves walking the coast of Cornwall and exploring the many pasty shops that they hide. He brews his own beer and obsesses over the finer details of making coffee.

Ben Coleman
Ben is the Design Director at fffunction, a design agency in the South West of the UK. Having originally trained in product design in the 1990’s he’s brought the values he most identified with to the field of digital design. He’s happiest when solving design problems with a Muji pen and Whitelines paper, but equally at home organising content into an information architecture, coding and testing prototypes and getting down to the nitty gritty of coding websites. When he’s not doing any of that he likes to escape to the mountains, and enjoys a post walk Guinness.